Getting to Know Dr. Snigdha Sharma
Dr. Snigdha Sharma grew up in India in a family of professionals, surrounded by doctors and engineers. In law school, she always wondered how to cope in a profession defining and choosing right from wrong. Following her mother’s footsteps, she felt medicine to be a moral calling, where one always strives to help others. “At the end of the day, you are doing right by your patients. You are helping them in whatever capacity you can. That is probably the most rewarding part of medicine. I think as hard as the journey is, that’s the reason doctors get into it. You end up devoting fifteen-plus years of your life studying, but I feel the gratification you derive if your patient does well, that is absolutely unmatched,” she said.

A year into law school, she made the tough decision to pursue medical school, where she ended up eventually meeting her future husband. After graduating medical school, they continued their educational interests by pursuing advanced training in the United States. In the course of seven years in Detroit, Dr. Sharma did her residency in internal medicine, chief residency and fellowship in pulmonary/critical care.
After her fellowship, they began looking for a place to call home and practice medicine. They interviewed at a lot of hospitals – “We wanted to start out our careers in a place that is growing and evolving. Here at Conway Medical Center, we felt there is a vision. There are a lot of big healthcare systems, but there are very few that are so deeply rooted in the community. To start out our careers at a system like that, I think that’s really amazing.” In August 2020, she began working at CMC Pulmonology. Her husband, Dr. Aditya Sood, is a cardiologist at CMC Cardiology. While she said with a smile that medicine leaves very little time for hobbies, she and her husband have a dog. “Most of the time when we are not at the hospital, we love spending time outdoors with her. We also love traveling.”

She said beginning her medical career, especially in pulmonology, during COVID has been challenging. Still, she believes there are lessons to be learned from it. “When it comes to our health, I truly feel there are a lot of factors that are beyond our control and we are dealt the cards we are dealt, but it is so important to value what we have. I think we have realized that through this pandemic. Nothing can replace the body that God has given you, I feel that many of our pulmonary conditions are related to environmental factors around us today, especially such as smoking and e-cigarette use.”

Snigdha Sharma, MD
CMC Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine
Breathing is supposed to be something you don’t need to thing about but when you have a condition affecting your lungs, every breath can be a struggle. At CMC Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine, Dr. Sharma understands how difficult it can be to worry about each breath you take. She has the expertise and technology to help you breath a little easier.
The next time you meet with your primary care provider, request a referral to see Dr. Sharma. Your primary care provider can fax the physician’s order to 843-234-6889.