How Long Does a Hip Replacement Last?
After having a successful hip replacement, you’re finally back doing the things you love. Golfing, gardening, swimming, shopping, and taking your motorcycle out for a drive. You’re moving and grooving […]
After having a successful hip replacement, you’re finally back doing the things you love. Golfing, gardening, swimming, shopping, and taking your motorcycle out for a drive. You’re moving and grooving […]
The knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body and also one of the most vital for movement. The stresses of daily activities like walking, running, […]
Whether walking, running, standing, or jumping your feet are taking a beating. The inflammation and stiffness caused by bunions can add insult to injury of your already stressed feet. Not […]
Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons in Myrtle Beach and Conway Shoulder and elbow issues can inhibit your daily life in many ways. Has your golf swing left you in a lot […]
Expert Hip Care in Myrtle Beach and Conway At CMC’s Joint Replacement Center, your hip is in good hands. Our experienced team of healthcare professionals use state-of-the-art joint replacement technology […]
The fear and uncertainty surrounding the Covid-19 global pandemic can sometimes lead people down a dangerous path of experimentation. The resurgence of the virus in the form of the Delta […]
When you get the call that you have an abnormal mammogram, your mind moves into panic mode: What if it’s cancer? If it’s cancer, have I caught it early enough? […]
On Monday, August 23, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted full approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for people age 16 and older. This means the FDA […]
Imagine this scenario: You’re enjoying a leisurely evening working in your flower garden. As you’re planting seeds, you suddenly have difficulty breathing and start to wheeze and cough. This is […]
The first steps in your new career In today’s fast paced Nursing Education environment, the transition from newly licensed to the first independent nursing assignment can be stressful. CMC has […]
4 Things to Help You Narrow Your Search for a New OB-GYN Searching for a new OB-GYN can be a little overwhelming. There are many options out there, but you […]
Your feet and ankles are the foundation of your body, and foot and ankle pain can prevent you from being able to get up, get going, and take part in […]
Parenting a child with ADHD can be overwhelming and demanding. The challenges and stress can make you question yourself and your abilities at every turn. Although there is no perfect […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has made face masks a staple of our everyday wardrobes. Wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the virus has become as crucial as wearing a […]
The COVID-19 outbreak has created a climate of uncertainty that has made us all worry about our health and susceptibility to illness. It has reminded us that our own mortality […]
The residents of Horry County have long depended on Conway Medical Center to provide expert medical care during their sickest and most vulnerable moments. The CMC Serious Illness Care team […]
At Conway Medical Center, March 17, 2020 changed everything. A patient was admitted that day, suspected of having COVID-19. Just a few days before, South Carolina had its first known […]
You’ve made one of the most important decisions of your life. Weight loss surgery (also referred to as bariatric surgery) will transform the very essence of your everyday activities. It […]
Conway Medical Center received 975 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on the morning of Monday, December 14, 2020. Vaccinations of frontline healthcare workers are underway. CMC will follow CDC guidelines […]
Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. Every year, 1 in 4 adults die from the illness. If you have heart disease, early intervention is vital to help you […]
Conway Medical Center is eager to announce the expansion of their award winning specialty care services to the Socastee area of Myrtle Beach. CMC Health Plaza Socastee is now home […]
Everyone is different and our hormones are too. Hormones and glands make up the endocrine system which helps your body achieve balance. It’s important to maintain a healthy balance within […]
Maybe you’ve been suffering for months with severe, debilitating back pain and your doctor mentions spinal surgery or a spinal fusion for relief. If he or she mentioned fusion, you’re […]
Early heart attack care is crucial to stopping the damage a heart attack can cause. During a heart attack time=muscle. The faster you receive treatment for a heart attack the […]
The last several months have been unprecedented times for our nation’s healthcare system. The COVID-19 global pandemic has led to changes in many hospitals, like restricted visitor policies and Personal […]
The devastating physical effects of COVID-19 are obvious. But have you considered the toll it takes on your mental health? With stay-at-home orders, unemployment, and concerns about infection, is it any […]
At first, maybe you barely noticed it—a slight bulge in your abdomen. You may have even been able to “push it back” into place. But then came the dull ache […]
With the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, Conway Medical Center encourages all seniors to take the necessary steps to protect themselves from this virus. According to the Centers for Disease Control […]
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to have your own personal coach or cheerleader— someone to help you live a more active and healthy life, and make […]
Stacey Mott always knew she wanted to help others. Growing up in Conway, her family consistently gave back to the community and stressed community involvement. She was born at the old […]
For millions of Americans, weight loss surgery means more than a new look—it means a new life. It dramatically reduces the risk of obesity-related health problems such as high blood […]
By Conner Ingalls- WPDE ABC 15 News FLORENCE, S.C. (WPDE) – Bob Peddycord is, unfortunately, no stranger to hernias. He had his first surgery to repair one in the 1980’s. […]
I recently had a new mom reach out with a very common problem. She was breastfeeding her baby and bottle feeding him when he was with his grandparents once or […]
Do you constantly pop antacids? Is your heartburn so bad that it keeps you awake at night? Have you had acid reflux for more than 5 years? If you do, […]
Comprehensive Cancer Care Close to Home Choosing where you and your family will receive cancer care is a critical decision. Fighting cancer takes strength, and CMC believes you should focus […]
What is Women’s Health Physical Therapy? Women’s Health physical therapy takes a therapist’s knowledge of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems to address issues unique to women. We are qualified to […]
Updated on: 8/30/2023 It’s a good news, bad news situation when it comes to varicose veins. First, the good news: Varicose veins don’t always cause problems. In some cases, they […]
Are you the type of parent who tirelessly cheers for your child from the sidelines? Do you have visions of your son or daughter making that game-winning shot and being […]
There’s nothing like seeing that precious face of your newborn for the first time. But in the past, after baby’s first meet and greet with mom, he or she was […]
SET program now covered by Medicare Conway Medical Center’s Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) program was recently approved for coverage by Medicare. SET is a program for people diagnosed with Peripheral […]
Dr. Zaher Nuwayhid is a general surgeon who also specializes in bariatrics or weight loss surgery, but he did not take the usual route to get there. Dr. Nuwayhid did […]
CMC Cancer and Infusion Center Now Open! Conway Medical Center is enhancing its cancer care program with the upcoming opening of a new state-of-the-art cancer center inside the hospital. Set […]
Technetium and Thallium Stress Test (Nuclear Stress Test) is a nuclear imaging method that shows how well blood flows into the heart muscle, both at rest and during activity. Nuclear Medicine […]
Dealing with medical issues is stressful and the related financial responsibilities can quickly become overwhelming. Conway Medical Center wants to help you understand the resources that are available for you […]
Volunteers play a crucial role in providing superior patient care at Conway Medical Center and Embrace Hospice House. They visit with our hospice patients and their families, escort guests around […]
Being hospitalized or undergoing a medical procedure can be stressful. Medical bills often add to this stress. At CMC, we try to simplify the billing process as much as possible. […]
The Most Important Selfie You’ll Take You can snap a photo in no time and now getting mammograms are just as easy. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with […]
Experience the Blessing of Pulmonary Rehab Almost anyone with lung problems can benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation. Our program is located at the Rehabilitation Services Building, located on the Conway Medical […]
When you are faced with a life threatening illness, Serious Illness Care at CMC gives you a chance to live your life more comfortably. Our supportive team members provide relief […]
At CMC Joint Replacement Center, we understand how challenging life becomes when you live with chronic joint pain caused by arthritis, injuries or other conditions. When your ability to move […]
Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Conway Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is dedicated to getting you in better physical condition so you can live a happier, healthier life. Complete with the most […]
Cardiac Care in Conway When it comes to your heart and cardiac care, you deserve the best. Conway Medical Center is home to a highly trained and experienced team of […]
The Conway Medical Center Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of all individuals in the Conway Medical Center service area.
The Conway Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program is sponsored by Campbell University and is accredited by the American College of Graduate Medical Education.
Your trusted resource for the latest information about the virus and CMC precautions. CMC continues to lead the way in vaccinating and safeguarding our community.